Stuff We Love – Holiday Edition

Nov 25

Sure, maybe focusing on that Thanksgiving grocery list is what I should be doing. But why when I can be here talking to you about the stuff I love?! Procrastination at its finest, my friends.

If you’re coming over from Thrifty Decor Chick or one of my fellow bloggers in this fun 3-day series…welcome to Simply Organized! I’m rounding out the Stuff We Love – Holiday Edition! It’s a fun, casual series where 15 bloggers share the stuff we love. Sarah created the series and thank her so much for including me! #humbled

All of us struggle with those hard to shop for people. *ahem, mom!* This is an excellent way to find unique gifts … so I truly hope my list is helpful! While, yes – no big surprise – I have a few organization related obsessions loves to share, I’ve added in personal things too. This list is the real deal, people. I genuinely love and use this stuff or it’s on my wish list. Truthfully, I could share a list of 50 must-haves but you probably want to get to your own Thanksgiving shopping too.

I really want #1 on my list and have been a very good girl this year, Santa! – Hello Ringly! Nice, Sam…Let’s go ahead and share the most expensive item on your wish list right out of the gate. Pull that band-aid off real quick. My sweet friend Carley introduced me to Ringly when she was wearing one that caught my attention. It’s wearable tech, as she lovingly describes it…


We all need wearable tech, right? Right. #thatsmyexcuse

We live in a World where a cell phone is always in our hands or on the table. Whether personal or business, we’ve made it acceptable to have a phone part of the norm…part of our meals. And when it buzzes or dings, that urge to check it wins every time. Instead, you can now wear a stunning ring that’s programmed (by you!) and in sync with your phone. You can tuck away your phone and let the ring notify you of only the most important messages, calls and alerts with a vibration or light color of your choice.

Not. Kidding. This is a game changer and it’s on my wish list. It’s going to help me be more connected to life and the World directly in front of my nose. It’s also pretty and comes in a variety of styles / colors.

#2 on my list is my new favorite boots – the Leandra from Born Brand


I found these at the Nordstrom Fall Sale and fell head over heels….errrr, boots. I’ve lived in them ever since – they are great for running errands or when I work with clients. Those who know Born know they’re made for comfort and these don’t disappoint. All of the boots I own, besides Uggs, have a heel. I was looking for a flat boot that was cute and comfortable. This is it! They come in a few colors and are at a fairly good price point. They’ll pay you back in compliments ;-). I shared a little video on my Instagram feed the other day and no one cared about the bins I was showing off – they wanted to know about my boots – ha!

For both home and with my organization clients, these tins from the Target $1 spot are the best for containing little things in a beautiful way!…

Yes, I said $1! Depending on the season, the color palate and finish availability changes. Last week, my local target had them fully painted in chalk paint so I grabbed stacks upon stacks (you’ll see them soon in a few blog posts). I’ve used them for children’s art centers, as shown above. In my home office…

In homework stations and much more…


They’re always in stock, but can’t be guaranteed what the color options will be available for you. I’ve found similar and a bit larger at The Container Store, but they cost a few dollars more. These are a great way to gift someone with organization, but fill it with something else they like – gift cards, candy, movie tickets, whatever! Think teacher and neighbor gifts!…


left  //  right

After having my 3rd child, my eyelashes started falling out on the outer corners. So bizarre. The battles we struggle with as mommies and with those pregnancy hormones. I consulted a dermatologist and, at the time, the only available option was Latisse. It was over $100 and had to be filled by px. I used it for 2 full rounds and while it worked, was tired of getting a px and paying that much. A few months later my hairdresser suggested Babe Lash, which was available in her salon but also on Amazon…

It’s half the price, the bottle lasts months and months, and works just as well – if not better! I’ve suggested it to friends and family members, who have all had the same excellent results. As with Latisse, you can go overboard…so be careful. I use it about 2x per week and it keeps my lashes long and pretty. Prices range from $25 and up depending on the size you purchase or if you buy in bulk. You can see my lashes here as I smother our beloved kitty, Charlie…


He also happens to be something I love, but you can’t have him. Only I can smother him. Or more like – he can only handle so much smothering. #mymanlyhunkofmeat

I have a couple items on my list found on none other than Instagram. Such a great little community to browse and find beauty / fashion inspiration. My first find that I can not live without is Frank Body Coffee Scrub

They have a cute, humorous way of promoting their product line. But what drew me to actually try the product was a story on their Instagram feed. They mentioned the scrub helps with eczema…I suffer from psoriasis. Sure enough, the product helps with that too! Along with cellulite! I ordered a package and the addiction ensued. My skin is baby soft after a scrub down and the results last several days before you need to do it again. A little bit of the scrub goes a long way too. This is a great gift for anyone on your list – even works for children!

The other product I discovered on Instagram changed my life. Literally. It’s a great gift for yourself or someone in your life looking for a lifestyle / health change in the New Year. It’s the Kayla Itsines circuit training guides

I have a busy client load, plus blog work, plus 3 kiddos that keep me busy with school activities and life. I was desperate for a workout program that was effective but could easily work into my day-to-day schedule. This is it! I started with the first 12 week guide and was hooked! I didn’t finish it in 12 consecutive weeks because life is crazy, right? It took me about 15 to get through it completely. Then I purchased her next 12 weeks and finished those (in 15ish weeks – ha!). I’ve now started the guides all over again. Yes, I love it that much! It’s an incredible price point – only about $65 for the first 12 weeks! When you consider I was paying a trainer about $75 PER SESSION to get me back into the swing of working out…I felt like instead I was now getting paid to work out when I used her guide! My body has completely changed for the better and the amount of people that have either stopped me to ask what I’m doing (while I’m working out) or ask me how I got into shape…I’ve lost count. I happily and proudly share this program with them…and now with you too! This is one of my very favorite things!

My next favorite thing is the Klip-It Bakery Food Storage system…

As a professional organizer, I spend hours upon hours looking for and working with containment of all shapes and sizes. Recently I did a baking center for a client and while browsing the kitchen section at The Container Store found these, which fit perfectly in her drawers. They are stackable, keep items fresh, and love that some of the containers include a measuring cup! I love freebies, what can I say…


Great prices too – ranging from $5-10 each.

Need a useful small gift for those stockings? Found yourself laying halfway off the bed at night trying to reply to e-mails because your phone needs juice? (Hypothetically me every night.) Get everyone and yourself (!) a 6′ or 10′ charging cord! Still have yet to figure out why these smartphones/pads don’t include longer charging cords with purchase…but maybe it’s for the best when we can purchase them after-market for a steal…and in cute colors!…

These are a set of 3 6′ cords for only $29. You can find a variety of options on Amazon and these are a must have in my life. I have one tucked away near my nightstand and one under my office desk. Each of my kids is receiving one in their stocking this year because mine magically disappear…to be later discovered in the depths of their rooms. I love these and love giving them as gift add-ons for nieces and nephews!

As a responsible (cough) human being and business owner, I need to be on top of my schedule as well as the kids…who clearly have a much better social life than me these days. I can not live without my MomAgenda Weekly Family Planner sheets. I’ve shared them a few times here on the blog and they are my lifeboat to staying organized with our calendar / schedule…

You can read more about them in this blog post about my Organized Master Calendar, but this is the magic that makes it all come together. There’s a spot on the calendar for everyone…

Here’s my full list of master calendar must-haves, since we are close to the New Year and everyone has calendars on the mind…

This has been a gift go-to in recent years so much so that I have to pause a minute to remember if I already bought it for my gift recipient – it’s that amazing! It’s the Pleione Tunic from Nordstrom

It comes in an array of colors and is currently on sale for less than $40. I personally own it in black, 2 shades of light blue and white. It goes perfectly with jeans or leggings, boots of course, and is a great bum coverer. Not sure about you, but I like my sleeves either really short or 3/4 length. I feel constrained if they are too long or don’t hit just right on my arm – especially when I’m working or typing. This top fits my sleeve requirements perfectly. #issuesmuch Love love this top! And so will you!

I work with clients each and every week and a huge obstacle they struggle with is paper organization. Paper flow, how to manage the paper coming in, how to make it stop…specifically all the junk mail and magazines. I have lots of fun tricks and tech up my sleeve but recently I discovered Texture


…and it’s quickly becoming a favorite!

With texture, you pay one low monthly fee (starting at $9.99) to read as many magazines as your paper-loving heart desires. There’s a free trial to start with, so don’t worry – just try it to see if you like first. As I tell my clients, should you find an issue you absolutely want in print…it’s easy enough to grab one at your local bookstore or online. Or even calling the publisher. In the meantime, save your space and the environment by reading them on your smartphone or tablet. This app is a great gift too!

I’m not a fan of selfie sticks, but on the occasion I do a little periscope broadcast – I love my JOBY Gorillapod Tripod

It holds your phone tight and the tripod legs are flexible and strong enough to grip onto almost any surface. I’ve attached mine to trees or my rear view mirror (I occasionally do carpool chats on Periscope). It’s less than $20 and a great stocking stuffer! They even make them in a bigger size for actual cameras. 

Still with me? Just a couple more! Because I can’t leave you without my favorite morning pick-me-up and evening chill-me-out…right??

I can’t live without my peppermint mocha creamer…

I’m a coffee girl and my coffee maker is set the night before. Each morning when I wake up (when it’s still dark because I have children that refuse to sleep in – #notbitter) this is what gets me going….knowing my hot coffee and favorite creamer is waiting downstairs. I tell you, it’s the simple things!

I love peppermint or mint of any kind. At one point in time, this flavor was only available during the holiday season. The day Coffee-mate made this product available year round? Ask my friends…they will tell you. It’s my favorite and a must-have when guests are staying at your pad.

Now I will admit, I’m on a bit of a wine hiatus with my workout program, but those who know / love me know this is my one and only…

I’ve tagged them (read = stalked them) so much on Instagram that La Crema is following me now. he he he

Remember when I lost my eyelashes? Around the same time, La Crema saw a spike in sales. That was me La Crema! I kid, I kid. I had to stop drinking white wine and reds other than pinot because they gave me the worst headache. Yea, no lashes and headaches – stunning! La Crema Sonoma Coast Pinot is the only wine I can drink. No headaches.

Truthfully, I can drink nearly any Pinot but this particular bottle is amazing. And a great host gift for those holiday parties you’re about to attend. The bottle is anywhere from $15-20…and will not disappoint. I promise! Since I live in the Bay Area, I’ve had the pleasure of visiting the La Crema tasting room in Healdsburg – amazing! – and I’m a member of their wine club so I look forward to my quarterly shipments. My UPS guy – not so much.

La Crema is known for their Pinots…they are all perfect – but this is the best. I’ve had a $100 bottle of 9 barrel and would choose this one any day. Love!

As I said, I could keep going…and will! Soon I’ll be sharing my organizer’s gift guide…and maybe a few more items I love will be added in as a p.s. (Things like my favorite podcasts!) Thank you again Sarah for hosting this fun series! Please please check out my fellow bloggers today…and all of the bloggers that participated this week. You won’t want to miss these unique gift ideas!

Kellie @ Nest of Posies
Chris @ Just a Girl
Chelsea @ Two Twenty One
Lesley @ Chaotically Creative (my web designer – sorry, I’m bias and love her!)
Jamie @ C.R.A.F.T.
Samantha @ Simply Organized
stuffwelove series

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  1. Jaime says:

    Hi! I love your binder and followed up on some posts you made on it. I just love your organization binder! Where did you get your frosted magazine containers with the pretty metal holder for the labels and the container for your post-it notes. I squealed when I saw that, I LOVE post-it notes!

    • Samantha says:

      Hi Jamie!

      Thank you SO much for the sweet compliments and for leaving a comment here – made my day!

      My magazine files are from The Container Store – they are so reasonable too! The post-it note organizer is a compartment organizer I found at Ace Hardware. Compartment organizers are one of my favorite solutions for containing little things. So whenever I’m at a hardware or craft store, I look around to see what kind of cool versions they sell. Ace has a great little selection!

      I love post-it’s too!!!


      • Jaime says:

        Thank you so much for your reply! I will be stopping by ACE very soon and I found the magazine file containers! I just picked up some cute sticky post-it notes from Target today in the dollar bins. We have tons of books because my hubby is in the ministry and I am trying to make our office look nice. We have 6 big book shelves and 6 small book shelves and 2 desks. I am trying REALLY hard to make it look somewhat pretty. Your blog really inspired me and I will return to keep myself motivated!

        • Samantha says:

          Wow – so awesome! You definitely sound motivated … and I’m glad I’m helping a bit with that. Otherwise it’s all you – proud of you!!!

          Love hearing about what you’re up to so be sure to keep me updated! SO grateful I can serve as a small inspiration!


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